Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Google rolls out Project Shield DDoS attack mitigation service

I noticed on Engadget the other day that Google has rolled out a new service named Project Shield which is aimed at small static websites targeted by DDoS attacks.  This is a pretty cool gesture for those who have something to say but may very well fall victim to attackers who want to silence them.  Take a look at the article for more info.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Duplicate output with Tee

Quite frequently I'll run across a previously unknown gem that keeps my head from getting too big.  It doesn't matter how long you've been doing this type of work, there are things that everyone can learn.  I had a situation the other day where I needed to direct the output from a process to both a file and std out.  Now there are several ways one can accomplish this, whether with named pipes or a bit of creative redirects.  I did a bit of research and found that there is a tool just for such an occasion - tee.

Think of a T-fitting used in plumbing and you get the idea.  By piping output to tee, you can still get the output via std out but also send it to a file.  It's a standard *nix command, so check out the man page for more info.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to edit multiple files automatically with vim

From time to time I may have a slew of files that I need to make bulk changes to but don't want to edit each one by hand.  A quick and easy way to do this is by using vim's -c option.  For those of you who are thinking "what about sed?" just hold on to your seat.  The sed command is also a favorite of mine, but the mood just struck me today to talk about vim.

Almost everyone who uses Unix or Linux agrees that vim (or vi for the super-hardcore folks) is the editor of choice.  Pico and nano are for sissies.  Emacs, you say?  I believe the old joke goes "Emacs is a great operating system but lacks a good editor."  I give you a +1 if you get the joke.  Kidding aside, let me get to the point of the post.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Noah must have forgotten these

Still cleaning today.  The Windows admin found these and left them on my desk.  As the WAN guy said, "you never know when you'll have to break out some 10base-T or coax!"

Friday, August 23, 2013

Unix beard?

Cleaning my desk today and found a Dilbert cartoon that a co-worker had left for me some months ago.  Probably a statement as to the ridiculous beard and handlebar mustache that I was growing at the time, but funny nonetheless.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

BuzzFeed "features" Backtrack Linux 5 in article detailing Jigsaw exploit

There is an interesting article on BuzzFeed today about spear-phishing Jigsaw via a Ruby based exploit.  While it doesn't specifically name Backtrack, all of the screenshots feature it prominently.

Image courtesy of BuzzFeed

At first glance, one might assume that Backtrack is the demon-spawn tool of the nefarious Chinese or Russian hacker, hunched over their laptop in some dimly lit, musty room.  Backtrack can be used that way, but it is actually recognized as one of the most well-known pen-testing and forensics suites out there today.  You can look at it in the same way that one would look at a hammer - you can choose to use it as a useful tool or a murder weapon.  Backtrack Linux is the same way.  If you need a tool to determine where your vulnerabilities are, then give it a try.

You can find the article here:  The Simple Tool That Allows Anyone To Be A Hacker

Backtrack Linux is available at

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A good job is hard to find

I know we have a lot of folks looking for work here in the US, but apparently things are really bad in Bangladesh.  A co-worker forwarded a copy of a cover letter received by a friend of his back home in Bangladesh and it is nothing less than hilarious.

I suppose the take away from this is to always consult the obituaries along with job postings when looking for work.